2024 Jun/10 WorksOffline.appGrowing Collection of Web Apps portfolio, svelte, javascript Web apps that work without internet connection.
2023 Apr/13 API BasedInteractive Data Table portfolio, Vue.js, javascript Display api data in a searchable and filterable custom designed data table.
2022 Oct/15 Digital SignageGeschäftshaus portfolio, BrightSign, digital signage, Svelte, javascript Another realization of 8 interactive media stations for the Freilichtmuseum am Kiekeberg. The applications are HTML5 & JavaScript apps which run on a BrightSign Digital Signage player.
2022 Feb/12 Laravel Nova API & Admin Panel portfolio, php, laravel Creating a RESTful API with Laravel and Nova.
2021 Sep/01 Digital SignageQuellehaus portfolio, BrightSign, digital signage, Svelte, javascript Another realization of 2 interactive touch screen media stations for the Freilichtmuseum am Kiekeberg. The media stations were all powered by BrightSign digital signage players. The applications were made with HTML5 & JavaScript.
2021 Jun/30 Ionic Angular App SmartPEP portfolio, javascript Cross platform app with Ionic/Angular as part of the SmartPEP human resources management software.
2020 Oct/10 Digital SignageHaus der Geschichte portfolio, BrightSign, digital signage, Svelte, javascript Implementation of 4 interactive touch screen media stations for a permanent exhibition at Freilichtmuseum am Kiekeberg. The media stations were all powered by BrightSign digital signage players. The applications were made with HTML5 & JavaScript.
2020 May/10 Covid-19 Data Visualisation Niedersachsen portfolio, javascript, data visualisation, leaflet, highcharts Official Covid-19 page for Niedersachsen. The page contains visualisations of the pandemic statistical data of Niedersachsen.
2019 Jul/13 Health Indicators Report Niedersachsen portfolio, laravel, data visualisation, leaflet, highcharts Official public health indicators reporting website for Niedersachsen. The page was created to publish different public health related data.
2018 Mar/10 NLGAMap Interactive Web Mapping portfolio, javascript, data visualisation, leaflet, highcharts NLGAMap is an open source JavaScript library based on Leaflet. It enables quick and easy creation of web based interactive choropleth and symbol maps.
2015 Oct/06 ZEB ZwickauZentrum für Ernährung und Bewegung portfolio, website Website für health centre.
2013 May/29 GartendesignBüro Christian Meyer portfolio, wordpress, website Custom Wordpress theme for Büro Christian Meyer.