Interactive Web Mapping
NLGAMap is an open source JavaScript library based on Leaflet. It enables quick and easy creation of web based interactive choropleth and symbol maps. |
Website |
Client |
Niedersächsisches Landesgesundheitsamt |
Tech |
NLGAMap is a JavaScript library based on the open source Leaflet library. It is used to create different types of thematic maps like choropleth, symbol or marker maps. All map types can be combined to an interactive web based map with little effort.
- choropleth, symbol and chart maps
- automatic data classification
- custom and text based class limits
- predefined and custom color schemes
- striped backgrounds
- animated timeline
The map shows the Covid-19 cases in Niedersachsen for the given day. The timeline allows to switch between dates. Additional layers can be shown via the menu. Source
Examples of Use
NLGAMap was designed in such a way that the visual representation can be adapted to different use cases without much effort.
With the help of NLGAMap, various applications have already been implemented on the website of the german federal office Niedersächsisches Landesgesundheitsamt.
The map is part of a data visualisations for the RoBoPub
project page. The map shows the incidence per region. Source
This map presentation was part of an experiments to minimize the impact of a regions size to the perceived data. NLGAMap was designed to easily change the underlying region shapes.
NLGAMap has predefined symbols which can be used to add extra layer. For the SurvIN
page bars where used to visualize the absolute values beside the incidence. Source
The map for the MERIN
project uses logharitmic scaled cirlces to show the absolute number of reported suspected cases of Meningitis.Source
The library was also introduced to a larger audience in a presentation at the "38. Wissenschaftlich-Technische Jahrestagung der DGPF und PFGK18" converence in Munic.
NLGA-Map: Web-gestützte thematische Karten mit JavaScript und Leaflet
by Thomas Hurtig & Holger Scharlach (PDF)